
Fresno Divorce Attorney

Serving Clients through the Central Valley, California

Divorce is rarely an easy decision, especially in situations that involve children or in which the marriage has endured for many years. Ending a marriage can be a traumatic and difficult situation for both parties. It often involves the termination of a physical and emotional union as well as the division of financial matters. Many complex issues may need to be discussed, reviewed and resolved. These issues include:

Typically, a divorcing couple will have to discuss the division of marital property, including the family home, bank accounts, pension funds, stock portfolios, business interests and other investments. All of these issues can be emotionally charged and create a host of negative and unproductive reactions which must be worked through for the benefit of all concerned. Speak with an attorney from my firm today for the legal assistance you need!

Having a competent and compassionate attorney can be an invaluable asset throughout the difficult process of divorce. As a Fresno lawyer, I am well aware of the need for honest answers and practical guidance. My firm has the ability to provide effective legal tools and solutions that will meet the demands and challenges of each unique case. I am a sympathetic listener, tough negotiator, and aggressive courtroom litigator. To lessen the financial and emotional toll that the divorce process can take, I recommend techniques of collaboration and settlement, which help to prevent bitter and often emotionally damaging courtroom battles.

How Long Does it Take to Get a Divorce in California if Both Parties Agree?

The process of divorce in California may take at least 6 months from the date that the individual who is filing notifies the other spouse about the divorce. The reasons why it may take longer include issues such as:

  • Division of Property
  • Child Custody
  • Child and Spousal Support
  • Visitation

What is the Difference Between a Contested & Uncontested Divorce?

Divorce in California may be contested or uncontested. Cases that move through the system the fastest are uncontested no-fault divorces, meaning that the parties agree on all of the terms of the divorce. My firm provides comprehensive legal services for all types of divorce situations, from those that are simple and uncontested and only need court finalization to those that are contested and involve complicated legal issues and challenging emotional aspects between the parties. In all cases, my goal is to resolve your case as promptly, smoothly, and as stress-free as possible.

Understanding Family Divorce in Fresno: Local Insights and Resources

When navigating the complexities of family divorce in Fresno, it's essential to understand our community's unique challenges and resources. The Central Valley's diverse population and unique socio-economic landscape present specific considerations for families undergoing divorce.

One of the primary concerns for families in Fresno is the well-being of their children. The Fresno County Superior Court, located downtown, often handles cases involving child custody and support. It's crucial to approach these matters sensitively and deeply understand local regulations and resources. For instance, the Fresno County Department of Child Support Services offers assistance in establishing and enforcing child support orders, ensuring that children's needs are met during and after the divorce process.

Another significant pain point for divorcing couples in Fresno is property division. Given the area's agricultural roots and the presence of family-owned businesses, property division can become particularly complex. Whether dividing a family home in Clovis or handling business interests in the agricultural sector, having a knowledgeable attorney who understands the local economy and property values is invaluable.

Additionally, the emotional toll of divorce can be exacerbated by the financial strain. Many families in Fresno face economic challenges, and the cost of divorce can add to this burden. Collaborative law techniques can help mitigate these costs by fostering cooperation and reducing the need for prolonged court battles. This approach saves money and helps maintain a more amicable relationship between parties, which is especially beneficial when children are involved.

At our firm, we are deeply familiar with the Fresno community and its unique needs. We are committed to providing compassionate and effective legal support tailored to each family's specific circumstances. Whether you're dealing with child custody issues, property division, or seeking a collaborative approach to your divorce, we are here to help you navigate this challenging time with the support and guidance you need.

.Contact our attorney at the Law Office of Zeppy Attashian, PC. for legal guidance and support with any type of divorce today.

Commonly Asked Questions

What are the main considerations in a divorce involving children?

In a divorce involving children, the main considerations include child custody, visitation rights, and child support. These elements are crucial, as they determine the future well-being of the children. The process requires careful negotiation and legal guidance to ensure that the children's best interests are at the forefront of any decisions made. It's important to work with an attorney who understands the complexities of family law in the Central Valley to navigate these sensitive issues effectively.

How can collaborative law benefit my divorce proceedings?

Collaborative law can significantly benefit divorce proceedings by promoting cooperation between parties and reducing the emotional and financial strain often associated with divorce. This approach involves both parties working together with their attorneys and other professionals to reach a mutually agreeable settlement without going to court. It fosters open communication, transparency, and a problem-solving attitude, which can lead to more satisfactory outcomes for all involved, especially when children are concerned.

What assets are typically divided during a divorce?

During a divorce, typically divided assets include the family home, bank accounts, pension funds, stock portfolios, business interests, and other investments. The division of marital property is a critical aspect of divorce proceedings and requires careful legal consideration to ensure a fair distribution. An attorney with experience in Fresno family law can provide the necessary guidance to navigate the division of assets, taking into account the unique circumstances of each case.

Why is it important to have a Fresno attorney for divorce proceedings?

Having a Fresno attorney for divorce proceedings is important because they are familiar with local laws and court procedures. A competent attorney provides not only legal representation but also emotional support and practical guidance throughout the process. They can be a sympathetic listener, a tough negotiator, and an aggressive litigator when necessary. Their goal is to resolve your divorce as promptly and smoothly as possible, minimizing stress and financial impact.

How long does the divorce process take in Fresno if there are disputes over custody or support?

The divorce process can take longer than the minimum six months if there are disputes over child custody, visitation, or child/spousal support. The duration of the divorce proceedings will depend on the complexity of the issues and the willingness of both parties to reach an agreement. Disputes can lead to extended negotiations or court hearings, which can prolong the process. An attorney can help streamline negotiations and work towards an efficient resolution.
  • Preparing for a Divorce?
    Find out about the importance of pre-divorce planning.
  • Minimize Divorce Costs
    Learn how an uncontested divorce could help you save money.
  • Guidance and Peace of Mind
    We offer experienced legal counsel, every step of the way.